Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Breaking News - The Christian Victims Fund

The cure to ED
Just in New Development

Big story upcoming.

Say Ali why you did not blow up any synagogues?

Real footage of the middle East, by Sgt. B. Cannot remember his covert name.  See how the blow up the palaces and protected the poppy plants.

In the hot video by Stacks Gotti People Dying.
And the Chris Coumo propaganda  Reveals how Ted Turner who is Donald Trump's who is Muhammad Ali, had everything to do with the poppy in the middle East, the 1,205 shot in the back on TV and no convictions and these kids being raped in jail.

It is about chattel and not God.  ALLAH means the lowest nigger on Earth.  God is Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu who named all things and named the Father. Jesus Christ or you can say Messiah or Zulu, the flesh or body and Spirit became one Eternal.

G.O.T.A. plans to evacuate non military from the hot spots.

Many young Kids in search for 
Jesus Christ experience persecution. In jails they are thrown to the wolves and are raped.

They ask are you a Muslim? If not you is food.  They rape these kids until submission and penis required assistance and if they claim they was raped, they are instant food.  

Anal fixated and prostate damage resulting in them becoming what is called a
Sexual deviant
They passed around to be raped and the Corrrectiuonal Officers often perpetuate the sexual assaults.
A grant of $10,000 cash and a 7 day pass to go somewhere they may feel safe an option or into a safe house to get treated another option on the table .

The AT&T Tower INTEL suggest
The design will send signal across the Atlantic

With a little help along the way.

Aircraft carrier hard to sink
This a  Quality Inn a choice hotel is charity
About $25 per day max. They take cash only?
This is an example of theives robbing God
Power is connected and it is vacant
Great choice for home schooling.

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