Saturday, June 29, 2019

Barrack Obama is King of Assaria

Breaking News and developing Stories

Muhammad Ali self admission to be the Great Roman Empire is the Great British Fleet.  They are the political districts, which is what each cathedral represents.

They operate based on the Aspostolic Church of Peter.  However, the Kingdom has Lord's, whom are higher up the chain of command than the Bishop, who is the Pope.

But the leader of governance their leader is Barrack Obama, he is the Pharroh.

Tax record will show you who is who
I worked for a gift card company briefly for him in 1979-80
While residing in Corona, Queens

Rahmael was setup, by being in the presence of Muhammad Ali in the name of
Tom Lashbrook.

Barrack Obama tell D.O.J. I have God's money, I am holding it in an Escrow Account? 

As he gets busted for stealing the Lord petty Social Security check for unemployability which is less than $1,000, meanwhile Jesus Christ is living in a homeless shelter without one dollar cash and wholes in his shoes, held away from his Union held in bondage as the Lord gets daily insults by drug dealer thugs.

My understanding of the last words as he departed from me, in the storage facility.  I did thing to you and if you knew all I have done .You would not cry at all. He described himself as the Aspostolic church of Peter and he as King R? But, my understanding was much deeper than that. Wherefore, he a King, yet, he a slave? He a bishop? Wherefore, he is not the Pharroh.  He saw himself as the one who would fall at the end.  He knew I was the one to end it.

In opening I cried out, yes, you can say, I sold my children into slavery, but not to be chattel, not to be food in the barn, but to work. A private in the Army is a slave, wherefore, his job is to do as he is good, but as he taking experience, he can then become a supervisor. But now you say I AM evil? Because I AM turning these Evil doers into diamond chips? But you massed murdered my children, placed them in Mass burials and call the grave site. A diamond mine and place them on your brides finger as an engagement ring? No, no .you real what you sow. Slavery is a production process, this is not production but destruction of human life?

Oh, I said, Butch would complain why you picked him over me, as a child I'd choose the main man if the day. I said, somehow it got twisted. I choose Ali, because he was bigger than Butch, not as a date .But as my back, the main man if the day was supposed to make sure nobody messed with me and I felt Rayfield could beat Butch,cut was not about a date, but a body gaurd.
As he left for the last time ca few tears ran down my eyes, I knew it was not over, but the tie up will be gone and now, I will be able to see who sent him.

He left stuff in the storage as to say it's yours. Yes he ate people, but thiscis what they tried to do to me also. He was the one who made treaties and his vise is he ate people, he was the great Roman Empire, the Great British fleet, but what role did Eygpt play in all of this?

Continuing story.

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