Monday, November 26, 2018

Establishment of non adversary law

Establishment of non adversary law

Nov. 60 ABC - Effective immediately
  1. The Top Legal Advisor - E-9 Spec. Eric Holder Promoted from CWO-4
  2. Duty the Prosecution of violators of the USGUG - .Gov - DOD
  3. The Legal Aid Society a branch of the NAACP – The People representation non profit - .Org – Charity.
  4. Duty to represent the accused for violation of the law. Protection of the rights of the people.
  5. WAC and MAC – The Salvation Army and the USO – United Services Organization – Protected by the UCMJ.
  6. The Civil Service – During Peace Time – Detention – The Courts – Judges – The Clerk of Courts.
  7. Multi-Tier – Union – Locale – District – Circuit – Subdivisions and Territories Mixed.
  8. The New Identification of the Accused and Indicted Criteria
  9. The PID-P – the Finger Print – IRIS Scan – DNA Profile
  10. Due to Lawlessness and ID Concealment by Self Mutilation – And the fact that many of these lawless criminals allude the law by the removal of blood type as a result of testicles removal castration, facial tissue removal as many wear mask, bio tech and growth hormones, complexion conversions and changes by bleach and dye.
  11. The consistency factors are the IRIS transmission, the Finger Print and the verification of Sterilization, identifies the individual and the fact they are mutants and by nature are cannibals.
  12. The Office of the Surgeon General defines a Human Being as being of color Hue and wherefore are not cannibals. An Angel is a Spirit Being whose testicles were removed as a temporary arrangement and are eternal beings who upon testicle implantation will procreate alike being in Spirit and DNA. They are not satirized and do not have Type O blood type. They are castrated in immortality.
  13. A Demon or Serpent are satirized in mortality called self mutilation. Phil:3:2. By nature they are cannibals due to the lack of human protein in their blood – the crave human flesh.
  14. The Department of Justice Defines the term White Inhabitants in Field Order Number 15 as Cannabals by nature.
  15. White Inhabitants cannot reside or domicile or inhabit in the state of Florida as a result of the declaration of Independence – a separation agreement and field order #15 a restraining order.
  16. The Anti-Star Wars Act of 60 ABC is an extension of Field Order #15.
  17. All Constitutional decrees in the DOE Art. 441-Y volume 1, are Constitutional.
  18. This executive decision by G.O.T.A. is effective immediately – the 41st Amendment.
  19. All practitioners – in non adversary law – due process criteria in the military wear the ranks of E- 7 through E-9 Specialist. By Executive Authority G.O.T.A. This also include Practitioners in healthcare and medicine as wherefore they are at the capacity of advisory and not commanders.
  20. Wherefore the Surgeon General is not an advisor but a scientist – all prescriptions are approved at the Office of the Surgeon General and all practitioners are not MD but PhD in the levels if higher learning and are Subscribers and cannot prescribe drugs or medications without the approval of the OSG.
  21. All Persons of higher learning or practitioners must make an oath to serve this Union in the name of God – Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ and Chaka Zulu are synonymous under the USCUG.
  22. Civilian practitioners wear the ranks of CSW 1-4.
  23. CSW 4 – James Kearney and Gene Johnson are hereby promoted to the rank of E-9 Specialist from CSW-4.
  24. The rank of Major Dr. William H. Cosby PhD is appropriate, wherefore currently an administrator and his rank and file is of command structure. His degree if of higher learning does require an oath as do all officers in the military.
Alert – Alert

    1. Kim and Karim of Q.Q. Beverly aka Beverly Johnson supermodel – concern who is Keith Alston walks like Skip Jackson.
    2. The Apostle Screenplay placed Skip Jackson at Havenhurst during Latonya consummation and the person to poison Blond Eva by orders of Billy Jackson.
    3. Both Curtis and Skip told Paul, I have to die, neither are dead – took on new identities.
    4. Elliott Jordan had several bullet scars on body.
    5. Ella door was locked but she did not lock the door on the to work and could not find her keys, said Shawanda had them.
    6. When I noticed I was in the house alone with a Patton Place Family – I got dressed and left. Roger got on the couch and would not get up, so I got dressed but not where I was looking at TV and took a nap. On the way out little boy yelled at little girl in bathroom, get out, get out, he is leaving. Just prior to this he asked me, when do you ever take a shower? I take showers often there, but wondered why he asked?
    7. Lujuana twin of Illiysha last seen in Augusta Georgia?
    8. They are the oldest from Robyn Williams whose older twin is Charlyn aka Sharon Harper aka Kimora whose oldest two are Tia and Tamara.
    9. Photos released. Taken about 1979 – INTEL suggest Anthony Ritenour matches IRS tax records linking movie Trading Places and photo of Aaliyah whim Marion and Darian know as mother. Ready made family is not Marion. There is no Dale Williams Jr.
    10. INTEL suggest Betty Jones is Jezebel is Betty Freeman is Elssie Mosley and her alleged sin is Dale Williams is Shug Knight?
    11. Photo Aaliyah discovered at Bull back house in room of NaQuila Hardy while with Madonna. Rented room for a couple hours or so?
    12. Alert second security breech – someone attempted to clog toilet with toothbrush – too 2 five gallon buckets of water and top off to flush toilet and place water back in after toothbrush was discovered upon flushing. Security breeches require new locks on doors and 24/7 surveillance of Pride of Avon Local 462 office space.
    13. Lights are to be turned on, gas water heater intact, 2 AC units were left serviceable, three electric heaters space heater not here. Cable ready, most of the furniture removed, gas stove intact, microwave still here left serviceable, some of my clothing still here, sofas here and a mattress here, my beds are gone.
    14. Lights are to be turned on in the name of Pride of Avon Local 462 and not in my name, my address is 923 S.A. Ave Order of ZEWS and not 917. But as result of Eston E. L. Roberts will article 6, I AM the owner of all his properties and I choose to use this house for administrative purposes and as a secured resting place and not my home of record.
    15. Addendum to property and Access to property rights. The house on 206 East 2nd Street. I paid the taxes for 5 years as a result of abuses by Dale Williams and this Patton Place Syndrome. I told the Family Ella can have that house as her domicile, but I never relinquished my rights to ownership or removed hers? As half owner, I have the right to access and do not agree to Shawanda or these Patton Place ready made family members bring DCF into our home due to self made dramas. As half owner I have more rights to a bedroom they do. Furthermore, those children claimed to be Dale Williams Jr children are fabrications. Test prove Angels exist on Earth as a result of blood test of Izzy Jones by order of the court at HCO Sebring Detention and Marion Jones is also an Angel. This is lawlessness with intent to defraud. Those children are of no relationship to my son.

DBA Jesus Christ – G.O.T.A. & C.S.J.

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