Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Satanic Prophesy Averted & Why God was Acknowledged

Satanic Prophesy Averted & Why God was Acknowledged

By: Jesus Christ

I was acknowledged is God on 4 July 2015, at about 8:00 PM. That was Saturday 4 July 2015 at about 8:00 PM.  Why would they do a thing like that?

The Satanic Prophesy was averted about a 1 or 2 prior in Los Angeles, CA.  I knew something was very wrong and they were about to try to Baker Act me.  I was able to travel vis the VAMC while in L.A.  If I was too tired as a result of being put out of a shelter and onto the streets, on occasion, I’d ride the Bus across town go to the West L.A. VAMC emergency room and two or three times they even gave me a bed and showed that morning and I’d move out.  And I used those bath clothes they use in hospitals to clean old people with to stay clean. I never even had a shit stained pair of underwear I can recall.

I broke the code of JFK and the Satanic Prophesy. See, JFK came to me as a baby, because he said, basically, “fuck this shit.’  He was going to be the sacrifice to prove there is no God.

Watch what I show you.  I got this to Barrack in time.  Crazy shit.  Even more nutty, my children who are of God is ashamed to be faithful to God, so they have to play pretend and deceive all the whole world.  Meanwhile all these dike ass nuns they play Ms. Chasity sucking everybody dick and the Clergy be sucking too.  Crazy shit!

Type these search Queries

42nd President

43rd President

44th President = Barrack

45th President

46th President

47th President

48th President - The Killing stops.  They were going to kill these Presidents one after another as fast as they could raise their hands.  Barrack would have had to be first.  Then say “surprise everyone, John F. Kennedy has risen from the dead, he is the Messiah.  Then pop him in the head and say, see there is no God.  And in this world to even call name Jesus Christ or God would have been a death sentence in this Satanic World.
The J. Edgar Hoover Prophesy was averted. And the proof is his name is written all over the evidence of intent.

And here is one on the house;

Type in: Confidential Informant #47 - They say this is Mr. Al Sharpton. he had about 50 files to include President Barack Obama.  He tried my back during Bensonhurst crap over some Brawley girl in front of WBLS Radio Station. See they came at Bobby Lee and he did not cooperate.  Egeria informed me as to why he keep a distance from me.  So he place one article in his FBI files, which prove J Edgar Hoover is the Illuminati and not just a NAZI sympathizer.

The Huge Bobby Lee Constitution that led to this finding partially.

Jesus Christ

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