Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Motion for Directed Verdict


Cases: 16000466MMAXMX & 17000210MMXMX
Rev. Frank Paul Jones
State of Florida

                          Motion for Directed Verdict
COMES NOW, The Reverend Frank Paul Jones – 923 S. A. AVE Order of ZEWS, Avon Park, FL. 33825, verified by REAL ID, veteran of Foreign War – USAREUR Command.
I AM in sound mind and memory and with due diligence, I address this court and that the grant the relief sought herein in the Motion for Directed Verdict and as grounds wherefore would show.
  1. Florida Criminal Procedure Rule 3.220 (A) and (B) do not apply. The intent for psychological evaluation are to determine if the DEFENDANT understand the nature of the crime one is accused.  The charge of misdemeanor is not serious.
  2. Psychological evaluation in misdemeanor court is not an option under Florida Statutory Law.
  3. There is no probable cause, there is no presumption of Privacy, the Post Office was open for business, I was making a legitimate complaint within the area provided at customer service. And under 18 USC, trespassing required I go into a restricted area. The Police report by Deputy Andrew Ritenour will show, I did not trespass on Post Office Property and Ms. Vicky Dunn claimed ownership of Post Office 33826 and this is unlawful.
  4. In the case of an invalid accusery, the Prosecution cannot hear the case, wherefore, there is no elements to conviction.
  5. DEFENDANT’S served the maximum sentence for a class A Misdemeanor, without any DR's and is a documented hate Crimes victim.
  6. Wherefore, a DEFENDANT held by an invalid Accusery, is without a defense and this is unconstitutional.
  7. Wherefore, the court must release person ROR, without prejudice, without any pending charges, publish in the local news, said person was not accused of a crime and has no pending charges and pay restitution by Statutory Law.
I was not accused of a crime under Florida Statutory Law, was not read Miranda Rights, the seems to be a conflict of interest between, I, the Judge and the abducting Deputy. And there are no witnesses for the prosecution.
Wherefore, the undersigned request that this court will grant the relief sought.
I HEREBY verify that a copy of the foregoing has been furnished by hand delivered to the person (s) listed below and mailed electronically to the U.S. Supreme Court and Department of Justice.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones
923 S. A. AVE Order of ZEWS
Avon Park, FL. 33825
I affirm the statements are without duress, on (date) _____20___by
(Name) Rev. Frank Paul Jones

                                             Deputy Clerk

_______________Personally known

_______________Produced Identification

Type of identification produced


Post Verdict Security Threats & War Powers Act
  1. The issue of Miranda Rights – Due Process – Security Threats to Union during time of governmental authorities and corruption.
  2. Wherefore, Field Order #15 makes it clear, no white inhabitants – the Office of the Surgeon General Dr. K. Jackson, MD, Chemistry accreditation and DS, Digital Systems Technologies. Gen. Dr. K. Jackson, MD, defines White Inhabitants as Cannabals and Chattel though was in the U.S. Bill of Rights, it simply null and void the bill of sales.
  3. Department of Justice Chief Legal Advisor SPEC.9 Eric Holder says, though the issue of due process, Miranda, even Baker Act, the bottom line is Field Order #15 must be enforced as well as the REAL ID Act of 2005, now in full effect, the discovery concerning the unconstitutional war on drugs and marijuana as medicine and the right to healthcare cost payable for cannabis.  All understood, however, the Union will attempt to identify and release as many people as reasonable able. 
  4. Wherefore, release and reclassifications are in progress to prevent the Flood gates to merely a Trojan Horse.
  5. Exhibits

Wherefore, hybrid legal representation is not Constitutional when a person is represented pro se, this would be a conflict of interest to the legal advisor.
Wherefore, I AM in sound mind and memory and have demonstrated due diligence.

As a pro se attorney representation of not just my name, but the institution it also represents, in all fairness, I do have the right to assistants.
An Attorney at Law even under the state bar can act as a legal assistant to a practicing attorney who passed the bar in that state.

I wherefore, assign the Supreme Justice of the U.S.S.C. to act as my Legal Assistants, in this case and any case which questions the Authority of DBA Jesus Christ G.O.T.A. & C.S.J.

These Case files are to be sealed and classified as required
DBA Jesus Christ

G.O.T.A. & C.S.J

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