Saturday, November 24, 2018

Marijuana Question of Law & Genocide

Starbucks Coffee 

Question of Law

Conspiracy Genocide

Mapp v. Ohio (1973)

A case of an invalid accusary wherefore, the court could not hear the case. There was no statutory law on marijuana as a criminal offense.

Then in 1973 the Richard Nixon1 Administration established the FDA and the DEA by Executive Authority.

Then Pres. Nixon against the advise to the researchers, made marijuana schedule 1 temporarily since 1973?

It would seem rational the arrest if Mapp v. Ohio and the court decision to overturn the conviction was influenced by the decision to make marijuana illegal without The Congress.

Then the Wire Investigation and see Nixon in the scene of American Gangster and the Frank Lucas Congregation of dope dealers. Richard Nixon says, what would people think if they new there was no bodies in these caskets?

Due to the fact the DEA which is a judical authority and not the FDA the legislative authority scheduled drugs, the War on drugs was unconstitutional from the start.  But due to the annulment of article 6 from the USCUG, the Union is not responsible for the debts of the lawless Confederacy..

Jesus Christ is the law by executive authority the war Powers act without time limitatiins. If you carryout acts of lawlessness, with the intent to break the law or be against the law?  Jesus Christ is the law and such persons are the Antichrist. What is the price of sin? It was better not to know, but to know what you are doing is against God and you do such things anyway?

Under Florida Statute and the Guidelines of Amendment 2, is marijuana legal?


In 2004 the George W. Bush Administration allowed testing of THC. While Majijuana was said to be schdsche 1. The researchers developed synthitic  THC that had the exact atomic structure as natural THC. The findings was that THC is scdesche 3 and determined to be medical marijuana.  The problem with distribution was it was not cost effective. It cost too much to produce.

Many states to include Florida decided to research CBD which is another effective ingrediain in marijuana.  Many states decided CBD had many medical uses.  The state of Florida Amendment 2, determined CBD is medical marijuana.

To make this decision, either the states agreed with the Federal govermgove that THC was medical or broke the law by separating THC from CBD in natural cannabas.

Wherefore, no state law can superceed Federal law.  And if a state determine a Federal Law is unconstitutional and do not enforce that law, it can wherefore superceed an unconstitutional decree. But to enforce an unconstitutional decree and at the same time profit from it, is to racketeer.

CDC Center for Disease Control? The death rate to the demahd for Chattel?

To separate THC and CBD claimed to be scheduled 1 by the Federal Goverment  is to break Federal law with intent to racketeer.

Wherefore to arrest, refuse employment, violate for use of marijuana or any criminal justice violation is a criminal act of the court. To say he committed a crime by using marijuana?  How did the state determine CBD was medical without the use of marijuana deemed schdsche 1 by the same Federal government.  Did not the state use marijuana to determine CBD was medical?

DBA Jesus Christ 

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