Saturday, November 17, 2018

Conspiracy to defraud and murder

It is clear they tried to for me of everything to include my dignity and children I was GOTA since 1977. I provided for my family and really had little for myself. They call themselves robbing my VA and SS benefits. But in really they just got busted. This money means nothing, but these are the people who had my men sleep in the streets as they robbed everything the VAMC had to offer. My mean concern is my children's custody?  You have my child being hit by little boys and calling transvistitr momma. Affraid to eat red meat?

In the schools kids play in the yards without supporvision. Learning nothing in school, while teachers have guns crying I am afraid of these bad children?
I want a change of custody for my children today. This is evil beyond evil and it has to stop.

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