Friday, December 21, 2018

Scenes from the Apostle the Baptism of Jesus Christ

The Mystorical image that was hidden
Cora to Juanita to Blond Eva to Covenent Chaka Zulu

DNA will show she is my mother and I AM her Father and she had six children two born mortal and save by my seed Mona Margerett and Lujuana Margerett and the first born Spirit child is Maria There's her twin Claudia and the Sharon There's and aka Baby Janet name is Latonya.  They wanted her career to be like Eva a childhood wonder.

Sharon bka Alston became Tisha Campbell - whose her sidekick on Martin?

Shirley Temple Black

Liberian Girl - her number 463 = 13 the lost tribe.

Feast of all Saints

Maria is the mother of the Hebrew

Cora sister is Bertha as in Moms Maybly and she gave birth to Juanita and Maria and Maria was my attirney in California Myra Sun - Asia became Zulu.  Another story

Her mother is Mary Elizabeth and all her children can from Chaka Zulu
DBA Billie Holiday - the one with the blue eyes.

Elizabeth Taylor in the 10 Commandments

Pam Bondi is Q.Q. Hillary a couple shades lighter.

Very important notation.  Q.Q. Hillary of Normindy - Germany is Soul Sister number one Angela Davis aka Angela Hood.  Ms. Harrision of 41-04 10st. Apt. 3E is Lucile Ball, so guess who is Jackie Gleeson? Her twin is DBA Barbara Strisand who is Mary Q.Q. of France. Their mother is Q.Q. Elizabeth of UK DBA Elizabeth Taylor aka Ms. Lee if 41-06 10th St. I forget the door on the 3rd floor.  She also gave me Bobby and Tommy bka Ice T and Dr. Bob Lee.

I Am Chuck Berry and Chuck Mr. Harrison is Muddy Waters and BB King.  He two known to me is Kimbrough and Woodrough doing Gary Patton type shit.

The catch is Angela Ann and her twin Maria Pam are  from DBA Lucile Ball and Chaka Zulu. They became Lorreta Lynch and Maria T. Sutherland.  I can go on, but Angela Ann was known as Renee and Maria Pam as Natellie of 41-06 10th Street and Carrie Wright is Natellie born 25 Dec. 1959 from Chaka and Josephina Potilla DBA Tina Turner and her twin is Tammie Bentley of 41-05 10th St.  They are all Q.Q. or Queendon Queens.  Soul sister number one last seen in Sebring Detention infiltrated the GAY Mob.  Consummated in Germany in 1977.  She is about 5 years younger than me and the kidnapped her very young

The Founder of the CRIPS not Stanley Williams by Chaka Zulu in Jailhouse blues.

Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley - they said he died too?

Brought to you by BET

HIS-Story in hindsight MY-Story the Truth

Who the DBA Michael Jackson was destroyed by the GAY Mob, by use if Slander and Libel, with intent to murder God.



Read: Mark:15:27-36, John:8:12-19 and 1CO:11:3

The Father will never Forsaken me, Faith is eternal

This is why I did this. I knew they were all liars out to kill me.

Greatest Hits Muddy Waters is Chuck the Lone Ranger there is no damn Tonto whoever.

Mark 15:27-36(NIV)

27 They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left. [28] [a] 29 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, 30 come down from the cross and save yourself!” 31 In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! 32 Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

The Death of Jesus

33 At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. 34 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).[b]
35 When some of those standing near heard this, they said, “Listen, he’s calling Elijah.”

John 8:12-19 New International Version (NIV)

Dispute Over Jesus’ Testimony

12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
13 The Pharisees challenged him, “Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid.”
14 Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. 15 You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. 16 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18 I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”
19 Then they asked him, “Where is your father?”
“You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”

1 Corinthians 11:3 New International Version (NIV)

But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God.
h is an eternal agreement.  Then I was sentenced to perpetual humiliation at age 15. The symbol of perpetual bis the number 8.  4+4 = 8 it was 44 years ago.  They cannot do anything to me, they did not already do. Phil:3:2 NIV

They just cannot change, like they say, you cannot teach an old dog new tricks? Are they condemned?  They still are doing the same thing to me, looking for different results?

This song is about how I hated so bad so young and could not understand why?  At the MSG every says, why they they steal Michael song.  It was staged but this song I want to do at the Capstone and the Family Zulu Time Zone concert, if I do not break down in tears it should be a good song to hear.

This is me at about age 15. I got cruxified and Raymond and Wilson did too.  Raymond Hood and Keith Wilson are twins from Lucy the other two sons are Carl and Clifford as in Alston and Rucker.  This was the real life footprints.  They beat me down like a dog, bricks to my head and the stomped me and letpft all three of us for dead.  I carried them away.  I said,big I fall we all fall together and when I get up we all get up together.  Hold on to me, because they cannot touch me anymore and as long as you hold on to me, they cannot touch you either.

The next day, I healed them that night of their bruises?  But I had a broken nose and two black eyes. So when they went to see them, they said, this cannot be them, but I was really bruised up.  So for many years now my knew Raymond and Keith Wilson, who is Wilson was able to be among them.  Wilson became P.. Diddy and Raymond I had to eventually hide?

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I have to find Raymond Hood and Michael Lewis.  Raymond was my Key. who escorted me to the Recording Studio to do the bass lines for the Jackson's Destiny Album.  I pulled the strings, making basically impossible to duplicate night after night without all the skin coming off of your fingers, but with Wave Syntisis it can be done today.

Michael Lewis was a member of the King Solomon Temple Freemason, which is who Frank Clark Jones belonged to. He was the one person, I could talk to during the days when everyone called me crazy and he was the one who I gave my early writing to.  He was also my link to Bill Henry Cosby.

Red is Raymond Hood
Cathy is Q.Q. Hillary aka Rodman Clinton who was  kidnapped.
Herb a drug dealer in Revenswood Projects


Me and a friend named Raymond was walking together from the Subway to go to his sister's house, Raymond had a KEY that allowed him to turn Frank Paul Jones into Paul Castellano.  He used his key so I could do what I had to do at his sister's house.

When we arrive at the house we were searched by his sister's husband's men.  The house had bullet proof windows, he was a big time heroin dealer, and I was sent to deliver a message from John Gotti, what was to happen would change my life forever.

Why are you searching me?  Cathy is my sister, I AM coming to see my sister.

This isn't personal Raymond; these are our orders to check all visitors  Who is this dude with you?

Paul, Paul Jones.

Raise them Paul, you know the routine!

We both were searched for weapons and we both were clean.

Hi Cathy, how is everything going?

Everything is fine Raymond, what brings you here?

Paul needs to meet with Herb!

What the hell does this boy have to see me about?

Ask him, he is standing right there.

What you need to see me about young boy?

My name is Paul.

What can I do for you Pauly?

My name is Paul, not Pauly and not boy!

Excuse me son, what can I do for you Paul.

I was sent here to give you a message, from John Gotti

John Gotti?  I don't do business with no John Gotti, what in the hell does those Italians want with me.

He wants his percentage, on your action and he said, everything will continue to work smoothly.

Oh so you're young punk ass comes to my house to shake me down boy.

I am not trying to shake anybody down Herb, I AM just the messenger.

You don't know who you are missing with do you, you are fucking with Big Herb, and I will kill a mother fucker, do you understand boy?

It doesn't have to go there, I am just a messenger.

Herb pulled out a gun, and pointed it at Paul Castellano, and started to threaten him.

Do you know I will kill you boy?

It doesn't have to come down to that Herb, I didn't come here for trouble, I just came to deliver a message, and I assume your answer is no.  Right?

Fuck that shit, I should make an example out of your punk ass.

Do you want to kill me?
Do you want to kill me?

What you don't think I will do it bitch?

Do you want to kill me?

I will do it man, nobody fucks with Herb!

If you want to kill me kill yourself.  Herb didn't know he had the gun pointed at himself, he thought it was pointed at Paul Castellano, he was put under hypnosis.

I will do it man!

If you want to kill me, pull the trigger.

Herb pulled the trigger and blew his own head off.

Oh shit, did you see that, he pulled the trigger on himself Raymond?

Raymond started laughing.

Man we have to get out of here, his boys are going to be all over us.

Don't worry I will put them to sleep.

Cathy started to pick up the gun.

Don't touch the gun Cathy.

She backed off.

Let's get out of here.

As we walk out the security didn't know what was going on, Paul Castellano put them to sleep.


When we got out of the house the Police where already outside the house, Paul Castellano got nervous, thinking they would arrest him or worst kill him, so he made them put their guns to their heads.

Do you want to kill me?

What the hell is going on, you have your gun pointed at your own damn head.

So do you.

Paul whatever you are doing you will not get away with it.

How do you know my name, and how did you just happen to be here, is this a setup?

You won't get away with this Paul!

Do you want to kill me?

Nobody is going to kill you Paul, so stop doing whatever you are doing.

(Spoken quickly)
Get John Gotti, get John Gotti.

Just be calm Paul, we will get whoever you want us to get.

It became a stand off, and about 10 Police Officers were at the scene, all of them had guns pointed at their own heads.

Somebody tell me what the hell is going on here, this shit isn't right.

It's him, I don't fucking know!

John Gotti or Gene Gotti came to the scene and calmed everyone down, everybody put their guns away.

This was how the Government got to know the power of Paul Castellano, which resulted in a Pact with the Government.


Billy is Billy Jackson

Katherine Jackson is Blond Eva
Joe Jackson is Sam Jones
Janet Jackson is Q.Q. LaTonya
LaToya is Q.Q. LaToya
Michael Jackson viewed is Michael Watson the MJ image known by most
This was the production of the Destiny Album
Red is Raymond Hood

I and Billy went to see the Jackson Five in Concert, but it was the day that a Pact was to be arranged for the Wedlock.

I saw little Janet in between her parents and Latoya was with a girlfriend.

Paul knew that Latoya was afraid of Paul Castellano, and he had a long road in front of him and what he had to say to them was decided by his mother.

All right Joseph, here is the deal.

Paul made arrangements to marry Janet who was 9 year old at the time and he was 16 years old.  Latoya thought he was crazy to pick Janet over her, being she was fine and Janet was just a little girl at the time.  But Paul knew it would be many years before the Union would be fully realized where they would actually live together.  But, little did Latoya know Paul had plans for her also.

Some guy notice the Parents of The Jackson Five, the Jackson's had no idea how famous they were.  He tried to rip them off, because he was mad that his girlfriend made him take her to the Concert.  Paul Castellano beat him up, and Janet applaud him.  What took place at this meeting changed the life of Janet forever, as Paul entered into another Pact.

After the arrangement Billy spoke.

Now you have to marry her you Mother, those people don't play!  They are Jehovah Witnesses.

I look forward to that day that will be the day of my glory.  Billy do you have something you want to tell me?

What do you mean?

I just wonder if you have something to tell me, I guess not!


Frank Paul Jones and Raymond went out for New Years Eve Night, but on the way Raymond brought Paul to a major recording studio.  Raymond had a KEY, if you remember the hit at Raymond's sister's house, Raymond brought Paul there also.  John Gotti arranged this meeting between The Jackson Brothers and Paul Castellano.

Paul are you ready, it's time for you to do this studio work.

Raymond and Paul switched coats, and all the Producer knew was that Paul was a Mulatto, but Raymond was lighter than Paul, that is why they called him Red.  He was Red and his hair was even Red, whereby Paul was just an everyday light skin person.

It's you I have been waiting for?

It's not me, he is Paul Castellano!

Are you'll ready?

Give me a couple of minutes to get him ready.  Paul Castellano it's time for you to do the bass lines for the Jackson Family!

Do you have everything I told you'll to have?

I have everything you instructed us to have.

Let me hear what you have.

Paul Castellano listened to the bass lines they had put together with the songs.  He was there to do them over, with a lot of funk and style.

This shit sucks, who did this shit?

I did!

Now I see why you'll need me, this shit sucks.  All right, get ready to record, let's do this!

Paul Castellano did all the bass lines for the Jackson's Destiny Album.  He did it all in one day.  While he was jamming, the song said, "That's the way I like it." Referring to the bass lines.

Paul!  Look up there!

Paul looked up and he saw Michael Jackson, he waved at Michael and Michael smiled and waved back, and then he looked to the rear of the studio and saw the rest of the Jackson Brothers.  He had no idea all those people were there.  Paul had to do the bass lines, because one of the Jackson Brothers stayed with the old record label when they moved on.  What Paul Castellano did that day they couldn't duplicate?

That album sold double platinum and put the Jackson's back on the charts and Michael Jackson eventually broke the charts, this was to get things started again.

After Paul Castellano jammed they gave Raymond some money for them to party at the Studio 54.  They partied for a little while, and after they ran out of money they went home and Frank Paul Jones didn't remember what happened.

 Apostle Paul Castellano

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