Thursday, April 18, 2019

Communication Corps NASA Agreement CenturyLink OIGOTA

The Tax Collectors
Robert Elijah Jones, James Earl Jones, Chuck Jones and Charles Jones. Who are the Hilton’s? This was asked of me.
Cat Eyes, Rob and George are Jones. Arthur Lee is a Jones. Bunkie is not Bankie or Bunkie and she is a Jones, so who is she? Aah. Frank Clark Hilton is a Hilton. Rangel seems to Joe Hilton Jr. or somebody, he must be a Hilton. Wimp is Jim McMahon – Wikipedia. Wow. Then he is the Deacon at the Church of Faith, while reported missing he was identified to be in County Detention, looking like Jimmy Boy. I guess that qualifies as a Hilton.

Who is Whom Ella?
The Story is weird. Ella born on 1! Jan. 1965 and then Patricia was born on 10 Jan. 1965. Not twins. But I would always say Patricia and Ella? Why?
Remember Patricia hairline? Then they did the same thing to Keba, who is Janet Damita, now Faith and Formerly Beyonce? But Ella in this photo has that hairline. See? The switch a -rU RU. Ella is Ella Poole and Patricia is Patricia and her twin is Pat.

Remember in the Screenplay. You are not Ella, Ella is stupid. Get up.
INTEL Suggest
Oliver and Dexter & Alphonso and Stomp Jo
Chief Medical Advisor Confirm.
God is AB+ Satan claims O-
O type Blood means Sterilization

Chief Medical Advisor statement on
Can a Human be born with Type O blood
A person with blood type Of has no Human Protein
Wherefore .By Nature are Cannibals 
Field Order #15 - REAL ID and 
Stay of Execution Pending Citizenship INFO

Of Chaka Zulu and Willi-may
 They carry the name Mays

A real photo of Willie Mays - there is no Roberto Clemente
My Rockee Season Photo

Dexter went to the Miami Dolphins
Oliver to the LA Lakers
Davis twin of Doc Deweight Gooden - Served in my Unit in Ft? Polk

Star Wars in Place
Protected Group - DOJ #3704895

Alert - Alert NAZI vans posing as CenturyLink
Seen in Parking Lot
Defend by the Creed of FIST

Owned by Jesus Christ, INC - Separation of Religion and State
Order of ZEWS
Passes all Constitutionality  Test.
Document Number by request at
S.A.P.P. - Strategic Agenda Protocol Projector
Enforceable By the 41st Amendment - Valuation Based on Agenda+
UCUA - United Credit Union Association
Protected by The Union Department of Defense - G.O.T.A.

Wherefore, God Is Real - The subsidizing Currency of the Union -The One World Government and the State of Union and Agenda.
Specifically Concerning the Commodity Gold
The Exchange Due to its military Use is set at
One Blue Dough in ZEWS per One Hundred  American Dollars
Wherefore, The FDIC is deemed to be insolvent

Unon Gold Exchange based on Military and not Consumer Index Pricing
Z1 tp $100

As a Fair Trade and Economic Stimulus
in the consumer market
1 Mexican Peso to The American Dollar

Top Secret to Above Top Secret
Prosecutable under:
The Enforcement of 
Communication Corps. Communications Title 47
4th Amendment, 18 USC, U.C.M.J.,
DOE Article 441-Y Anti-Terror Defense Constitutional Decrees
The 41st Amendment,  The Extension to Field Order #15 and the Declaration of Independence, the Anti-Star Wars Act.

Laser Technologies
NASA Laser Bean Shot Down Flight 587

Community Wi-Fi

Locale 31 - Communications Corps.
Entrance to Office
Top Secret to Above Top Secret
Location Avon Park, FL. - Near Main Street

Office of
Lt. Gen. R. R. Jones - Fort Gordon, GA.
Current Military Exchange and Appropriations
The Defense of these Facility
Coordination Strategic Command
Defend by All Constitutional Decrees
DOE Article 441-Y

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